“I bit my tongue ‘til it bled.” My mom said that a lot! You never had to wonder on which side of the fence she stood. She was outspoken. My dad was firm and true to his convictions and opinions as well, but he was more of a diplomat. I like to think I am a blend of the two. And I believe each would be disappointed in me if I didn’t speak up and speak out about our current public discourse. No - I’m not headed down a political path here. I’m headed down the path of civility. That old saying, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is not true! Words hurt. Words discourage. Words insight. But words also comfort, reassure, unite. And sometimes, using no words (“biting your tongue”) is the best choice. So as we begin a new school year and begin to shape a new generation of leaders, let’s remember and remind that “Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten.” Colleen's Kindergarten Portrait
June 2023
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